Business Plan Investors

Funding Success News

Investor Pitching

Investor Pitching

At Business Plan Investors (BPI), apart from introducing our clients to over 2,000 verified active Angel Investors and Venture Capitalists, we go a step further to pitch for funds on their behalf by putting the reputation of Business Plan Investors (BPI) and that of our founder Charles E. on the line to ensure we successfully gain the attention of Investors in such a way that they will consider investing in our client’s business venture. Clients, please note that the investors we pitch to do carry out their independent due diligence and they alone hold the right to invest or not to invest in our client’s businesses and we will not be held liable. We only agree to boost your chances for funding success by pooling our reputation and the integrity of our founder Charles E. to create a convincing cover letter that will first be approved by you our esteemed client before pitching to our proposed investors.

Apply For Our Investor Pitching Services

Charles E. (CEO of Business Plan Investors will like to pitch to investors worldwide on your behalf. You will be in a copy of all pitches and be contacted directly by verifiable active investors one after the other.

Investor Pitching Services plan

Investor Pitching Services
